Teacher Spotlight: 5th Grade

Submitted by beth.knudsen on
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This month the fifth grade teachers are the spotlight!  We are very lucky to have both Mrs. Ronda Hair and Mrs. Gwen Sorensen as teachers for the fifth graders at our school.  Here is what they (and their students) say about each other.

Focus on--Mrs. Gwen Sorensen
Mrs. Sorensen has a happy, bubbly laugh that inspires others to be positive and to feel better. She is always appreciative to those she works with.  She works diligently to support her students to be successful, safe, and happy at school. She is an excellent teacher that understands how students learn, and takes many different approaches to ensure that learning takes place. 

Some things that her students have said about her are: "She has a good smile", "She has pretty hair", She is smart", "She is nice", "She is pretty," and "She is kind".  Mrs. Sorensen always has a smile on her face and it is a gift to have her here at Barnett. 

Focus on--Mrs. Ronda Hair
Mrs. Hair shows concern for everyone.  She takes care of her students well being, but also shows concern for all people who come across her path.  She is very generous and loving.  I have never worked with an individual as compassionate as Mrs. Hair. She supports all of those who enter her door.  I have found a lot of comfort in her listening ear.  Mrs. Hair has a variety of ways to make learning fun. She is continually planning engaging learning activities that are fun for all involved. Mrs. Hair is continually helping me through the year and is sharing everything that will benefit my students understand.  Ronda Hair is a wonderful teacher!

Some of the fifth grade students have said this about Mrs. Hair: 
"Mrs. Hair is amazing, she is the best ever! She really helps the students when they don't get it." SavAnna Cox"She explains every thing perfectly." Marian Smith
"Mrs. Hair is a great person. She is very understanding and reasonable, even when someone messes up. Mrs. Hair is fun to be around and can always make you smile. I am very glad she is my teacher."  Maddux Howard"Mrs. Hair is extremely kind." Isaac Webster"She's really smart." Diana White"She's giving." Bailey Franson"Mrs. Hair is very fun! She is always really helpful. She loves having us around!" Sarah Rash"She's exciting, kid friendly, giving, and fun!" McKenzie Van Dam"She's nice, kind, she loves kids, and having them around. Mrs. Hair is very fun!" Mindi Brailsford


Ronda Hair, Gwen Sorensen, Beth Knudsen