Mrs. Sumsion Receives Hash Tag Award

Submitted by kali.brown on

Congratulations to Barnett Elementary, in Nebo School District, and their school PR Ambassador, Sarah Sumsion, for earning the Nebo #Hashtag Award. This award is given to the school that communicates to their parents and students, in a variety of ways, the events and important news items happening at school. Barnett has posted approximately 87 stories for the school year. The school also has approximately 275% of their student enrollment connected on social media to get the latest news from the school.

Keyboard Chase Champions

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

These 5th graders have worked very hard to improve their keyboarding skills and have completed the keyboarding chase class. The TOP keyboards are :

  • Bentley Hanks
  • Adalyn Egbert
  • Dawson Epps
  • Brittney Burgos 
  • Sylas Christensen
  • Savannah Trujillo
  • Quintin Ady
  • Emma Adams


These students have the opportunity to compete at the district level on April 20, 2022. Thanks to Mrs. Tuttle our wonderful keyboarding teacher for helping our students master the keyboard!

New Growth Mindset Links for Home

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

You asked. We answered. In following up on our fall Family Empowerment Event, the feedback we received from many families is that you wanted to know how to apply growth mindset (aka grit, resilience) at home. Our wonderful school counselors have created a video - VIDEO LINK HERE - and a HANDOUT. The handouts went home at SEPs. Ask your child's teacher if you didn't receive one yet.