Welcome to Barnett Elementary

Barnett Elementary
456 N 300 E
Payson, UT 84651

Office Hours 
8:00am - 4:00pm   Monday-Friday 

Leader In Me - Lighthouse School

Mission & Vision

Mission:  All students learning at high levels.

Vision:  At Barnett we hold our students to high expectations while encouraging a growth mindset in a caring and positive environment.


  • Students held accountable for data shared and setting own goals

  • Provide tasks with clear expectations that require grappling

  • Validate students’ feelings, praise the effort and celebrate victories

  • School-wide focus on positives and building caring relationships

  • Model productive thinking through mistakes and challenges

Goals:  Students grapple with the task the teacher has given. Teachers ask questions and provide experiences that encourage students to grapple with the task.

Do Your Best! Be Your Best! Feel Success!