Mrs. Brown Reads to Classes & Teaches Expectations

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Mrs. Brown spent time the first 2 weeks of school reading a story to each class and donating that book to the classroom that supports our theme this year: Together We Are Better

Each grade also met with Mrs. Brown to review expectations, rules and behaviors that will help everyone have a great, safe and successful school year. 

Fourth Grade Science

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Fourth graders did experiments with science. Each group had giant globes of ice. Several different substances (salt, sugar, and food coloring) were applied and students made observations on what they noticed was happening to the ice. 

Summer Reading Winners

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

These students (plus some unpictured) all worked really hard to keep engaged with learning this summer by reading. They kept track of their minutes and turned in reading calendars. Mrs. Brown rewarded them with cheers and prizes at the end of the day. Way to go Leaders!