Read & Feed

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Bring your child to pick out FREE books and learn about summer reading programs in our local libraries. The books available are for ages 0-15 years old. Parents will have the opportunity to sign up for free food assistance through Tabitha's Way Local Food Pantry and learn about other resources available during the summer months.


April Bulldog Pride

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Congratulations to our April Bulldog Pride Award winners!

Our Alpha Dogs are Mrs. Galt (instructional coach), Miss Grover (1st grade teacher), Mrs. Reynolds (TK technician), and Mr. Davis (Head Custodian). 

Our Doggone Great Parent is Brea Wentz. 

Congratulations Leaders!! 

Sarah Sumsion

Thank You for Being Kind

Submitted by kali.brown on

What a great way to end our Kindness Week!  Thank you, students, for being so kind to each other, and especially this week.  We made new friends on the playground ... we said "hello" to someone we did not know ... we gave compliments to many!  Barnett Bulldogs are KIND!