Kindness Week

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Kindness Week is in full swing. We hope you are asking your students about ways they are being kind both at home and at school. These 2nd graders in Mrs. Fuhriman's class are placing a color on the grade level part of the rainbow representing a time they have been kind at school. 

Photos by Melissa Fuhriman

Bulldog Pride Assembly

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Congratulations to all our Leaders of the Month & Top Dogs in each class. Hard work and effort pays off! We also recognize Mrs. Hanson & Mrs. Bradley as our Alpha Dogs. Our Doggone Great Parent is Mrs. Willoughby! She helps out in so many ways and we sure appreciate her. Fourth grade reprised their Habit 4 skit for our student body. 

Photos by Student Publicity Leaders Branson P. & Spencer W.

Leadership Day Preshow

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Our Leadership Day began with a preshow. We had students audition to display their talents - from dance to tumbling to music. We also had a fabulous Cheer Squad, under the direction of Mrs. Taylor, help welcome each guest to our program. Parents watched videos written and directed by student leaders under the direction of Mrs. Humphries. Our 6th grade orchestra also provided music in the halls as they were led by their teacher Ms. Sandiego. Student lighthouse members greeted and handed out program and favors to those attending.

Sarah Sumsion, Photos by Publicity Leaders Branson P. & Spencer W.