Welcome Back To Barnett!

Submitted by dayna.kirgan on

First day jitters? Not for the kids at Barnett Elementary! Barnett Elementary is a great place to come to school! Students for their first day, walked down the Blue Carpet. They were cheered on by fellow students, teachers, past teachers and community members as they made their way to class. They were met at the door by their own teachers, eagerly waiting for each student. Here is to another great year at Barnett Elementary where we have amazing teachers and amazing kids! 

Angela Stoddard, Sarah Sumsion, Gwen Spencer

The Final Bulldog Pride Assembly

Submitted by dayna.kirgan on

Barnett Elementary finished out the year strong! We have some amazing Top Dogs, Leaders of the Month and Alpha dogs to celebrate. This was the final Bulldog pride assembly of the year, which meant there were a lot of awards to give out. There were chess awards, math awards, track awards, perfect attendance awards and library awards too! So many of our awesome Barnett Bulldogs were recognized for their great work this year. Have a great summer break Bulldogs and come back ready in August!