Grandparents Day at Barnett

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

Barnett Elementary School’s 3rd grade Grandparents’ Day Program was November 3rd. The students were excited to eat chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes with their grandparents for lunch. They then got to show them around the school and play at recess. Parents, grandparents, and students returned to the lunchroom for the program.

Robyn Curtis

1st Grade Band

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

This week in first grade we read the story-A Musical Day! In this story a group of kids make instruments and form bands! We did the SAME thing! Our students brought some incredible instruments, we formed bands, wrote pictures and performed for all of first grade!

Justyna Lloyd

Mrs. Evans Class Sees the 7 Habits in Halloween

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

Halloween is always one of the students' favorite days of the year.  We've been learning the seven habits, and Lily put it best when she said, "Mrs. Evans we are sharpening the saw aren't we, and it is so fun".  That it was.  We played sight word bingo, made a ghost teen number hat, heard a story about a lady who was not afraid of anything, and we had a fun pumpkin walk with numbers and sight words.  It was a fun day for all.


Mrs. Evans