1st Grade LOVES Mr. Logue

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

The 1st graders at Barnett Elementary are building their own home libraries, thanks to Mr. Logue. Mr. Logue visits our school every month to bring books to our 1st graders. His goal is to help get books into the children's homes so they can become better readers. Our students look forward to Mr. Logue's visits each month. He reads the story to each class and them gives each child their own book. Barnett 1st graders would like to say "Thank you Mr. Logue for helping us become better readers. WE LOVE OUR BOOKS!"

Whitney Zylstra

NOVA Graduation

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

Barnett 6th graders graduate from NOVA!

For 13 weeks Barnett's  sixth graders have participated in lessons taught by Payson Police Officer Mark Bell. 

NOVA's mission statement is “NURTURING youth to seek out positive OPPORTUNITIES, internalize good VALUES, and to accept ACCOUNTABILITY for their choices in life."

The NOVA program focuses on the following principles:

  • Take advantage of good opportunities that come your way.

  • Accept responsibility for you choices and actions.

Lisa Peterson