It's Electric!

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

Mrs. Standish's 5th grade class has been studying static and current electricity. On Monday, February 29th, students had the chance to explore their very own electrical circuits. They were able to understand why only a closed circuit would allow the light bulbs to turn on. Students then had the opportunity to experiment to see what would happen when they added more batteries, or when they added more lights. Students loved exploring the circuits and felt like "real electricians!"

Mrs. Hair's Math

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

Mrs. Hair's 5th grade students have been learning about fractions. At first, fractions were really confusing! But now, students are feeling more and more confident in their ability to understand fractions! They love Math! 

4th Grade Studies Rocks!

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

4th Grade students have been studying rocks. They did different experiments and then had the opportunity to present their findings to their class. They love studying science and being "experts" on rocks! 

Coy Willes

Kindy 500

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

On Friday, the 26th of February, Kindergarten had their annual Kindy 500.  They and their parents worked hard all month on making a car out of a cardboard box.  It was amazing to see such a variety of fun cars.  They had tankers, rockets, a space ship, ice cream trucks, buses, and wonderful cars to drive.  After a short, but fun parade, they broke off into seven groups to go visits places and people of interest in our American History.

Clea Comte