Storytelling Festival Comes to Barnett

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

The students had a special treat for their assembly today as world famous storyteller, Charlotte Blake Alston visited our school. Charlotte told stories from all different cultures and had the kids singing and chanting and being a part of the story right along with her. It was a great afternoon and we want to thank the POPS Art Education and Timpanogos Storytelling Festival for making it possible!

Angela Stoddard

2nd Grade Farm Field Day

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

Our 2nd Graders went on a Field Trip to Farm Field Days in Lehi and had a blast learning about agriculture and farming! They saw baby animals, dogs herding sheep, a bee hive, and learned about the importance of agriculture and how it helps us at school, in our homes, and all around.

Justyna Lloyd

Apple Day in 1st Grade!

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

The first graders had Apple Day on Friday, October 2. The students had so much fun doing different Apple Day activities and then enjoyed an apple at the end of the day. It was a fun way to celebrate them having good behavior in the month of September!


Whitney Zylstra

September Top Dogs

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

Barnett honored their first ever Top Dogs Friday afternoon! Top Dogs are students who show exemplary behavior and leadership skills. The Top Dogs for September were:

Kindergarten: Sam Anson, Taylor Bardsley, Mason Bradford-Walker, & Alexis Davis

1st Grade: Xander Albright, Xander Smith, & Gordon Wilson

2nd Grade: Taylor Humphries, Taizlyn Larsen, Tucker Moore, & Addison Pugmire

3rd Grade: Henry Draper, Tori Harris, & Reagan Knudsen

4th Grade: Jade Crandell, Macrae Roundy, & Meika Rupp