Fun Run Reminder

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Just a reminder about the Fun Run tomorrow morning!  Students will not be allowed to call for their waiver slips in the morning so please make sure to have them bring them in the morning, if they haven't brought them to school yet.  If you need another copy, just print off page 5 from the May 2014 Bulldog Barker (see attachments).

3rd Grade Spelling Bee 2014

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Thursday, May 15, 2014 was the annual 3rd grade Spelling Bee at Barnett Elementary.  Three contestants from each of the third grade classes participated in the Bee.  The participants did a fantastic job of spelling the words supplied to them by the proctor, Ms. Robyn Curtis.  Unfortunately, there could only be one winner and Lexie Christiansen took the day at this Bee.  The winning word was "squirrel."  Wonderful job to all the Spelling Bee spellers!

Beth Knudsen

Gwen Spencer, Teacher of the Year!

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Gwen Spencer has been teaching 6th grade for 7 years.  She has been team leader for 4 years and does a fabulous job at keeping the 6th grade teachers cohesive, organized, and optimistic.  She is a wonderful math and science teacher.  She has been invited to attend PESTL (Partnership for Effective Science Teaching and Learning) for the last 4 years and continues to increase her knowledge anywhere she can. Gwen is always up on the latest research and attends conferences every summer to help her students reach their potential.

Lisa Peterson & Angela Stoddard

Sub Zero Assembly for Fifth Grade

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

On April 30, 2014 the 5th grade students that had worked hard to have good behavior, got to have an assembly with Sub 0 Day Ice Cream. We learned about how liquid Nitrogen can boil at -300 degrees F. After around 10 minutes we started to see liquid oxygen drip off the bowl. Akadian and Blaze stood under it and the liquid oxygen burned a little because it was so cold.

Emma Zeeman

Spring Choir Assembly

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

On April 28, 2014, the Barnett Choir sang some of the songs from their Spring Concert. Their songs were focused around popular songs from the radio or from movies, for example, "When Will My Life Begin" from Tangled, "Roar" by Prism, "That's How You Know" from Enchanted, "What Does the Fox Say?", and "Let it Go" from Frozen.  They did a fantastic job singing and being led by their choir director, Mrs. Christine Muniz.




Beth Knudsen