SEP Sign Up & Reminder

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Please remember to sign up for SEPs this Wednesday, using SignUp Genius. If you have already signed up, you can go in to check your time on SignUp Genius, as well.

Teacher Spotlight: Kindergarten

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Each month, some teachers or other staff at Barnett will be highlighted.  This month, Mrs. Comte, Mrs. Kunz, and Mrs. Evans shared some of their thoughts about the other kindergarten teachers that they get to work wtih at Barnett.

Focus on--Mrs. Comte (Kindergarten)

Kaylynn Evans, Cheri Kunz, and Clea Comte

Day of Caring 2014

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

This year we had the company, US Synthetic, come do various service projects for Barnett Elementary on September 11th, 2014.  They refinished the outside picnic tables, bought new soccer goal nets and basketball nets, and did a fun reading and problem solving activity with every class. They also had a group of people who repainted the games on the blacktops by the playgrounds.

Beth Knudsen