Barnett Shoot-Out Competition

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

The annual Nebo School District Basketball Shoot Off took place Tuesday, February 25.  Three male and three female students are chosen from grades 3-6 from a grade-level competition done by Patti Davis, the PE instructor.  The chosen six are the students who made the most baskets in one minute.  They then went on to a district-wide competition.  

Beth Knudsen

Kindy 500

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

On Friday, February 28th, the kindergartners had tons of fun with their Kindy 500. Riding in their homemade cars, boats, airplanes and trucks, the kindergarten students traveled around the school to learn about the White House, the Liberty Bell,  Abraham Lincoln and much more. The kindergarten teachers appreciate all those who helped to make this activity a great success!

Kaylynn Evans

Getting the Chance to Share

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Every five to six weeks in Mrs. Beth Knudsen's third grade class, the students get the chance to share a big writing project that they worked on for two weeks.  They go through the whole writing process--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing--and then they are given the opportunity to share with the class and any parents who are able to attend.  On January 31, 2014, students shared their autobiographical stories.

Beth Knudsen