Echo Assembly

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

The middle of March was broken up with a few educational, fun assemblies. One of these assemblies was the Salzburger Echo Arts Academy assembly.  These are musicians who make music based off of the music in Salzburg, Austria, using the concept of echo throughout their music.  Not only did they teach us how to yodel--and meet Yodel Man--they played music using a variety of instruments--trumpet, accordian, alp horn, and even getting the teachers involved with the cowbells!

Beth Knudsen

5th Grade Assembly with K-9 Officers

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

The fifth grade invited the Utah County K-9 officers to come for their incentive program for the month of March. The students who came loved learning about these special dogs from Europe who cost as much as a used car! These dogs learn to smell and find narcotics, bombs and people who may be lost in remote areas. They also enjoyed learning how they train them to be very obedient and how everything these officers teach these dogs is a game to them!

GayLynn Buys

Who Wants to Be an Opera Star?

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Utah Opera provided an amazing assembly introducing Barnett Elementary students to the world of Opera by using the framework of a television game show. "Who Wants to Be An Opera Star" is an introduction to opera; the art form that combines drama, visual art, dance, orchestral music, and singing.  We were entertained by a wonderfully talented group of singers and an accomplished pianist.

Don Applegate