Barnett 6th Grade Fear Factor to Peer Pressure

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to face your fears? Well, the 6 th graders at Barnett Elementary do! Recently, students volunteered to be contestants in eight, pulse-racing, hair raising activities. They had worms dropped on their faces, had to catch mustard covered marshmallows in their mouths, and eat pickled pigs feet, just to name a few. Under the supervision of stunt coordinators (their teachers), Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Peterson, and Mrs. Laudato, students were confronted with a series of challenging tasks.

Lisa Peterson

Yearbook Cover Winners

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Every year the students at Barnett are given the challenge of designing a colorful, school-spirited front and back cover for the school yearbook.  There were many who submitted drawings this year, with a winner for each grade for their efforts.  It was a tough decision, especially with so many talented artists. The lucky two who have had their drawings chosen for the school yearbook this year are Walker Price and Haley Rowe. 

Beth Knudsen

NOVA Christmas Box Service Project

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Barnett Elementary 6th grade have been busy gathering items to donate to the Utah Valley Christmas Box House. As part of their N.O.V.A. class they were asked to perform service. Each sixth grade student was required to bring in one item to donate or donate time at the school for service. Some even made hats with yarn and weaving looms. It was impressive to the students to see how just one item or act of service combined with the efforts of others turned out to be a nice donation and will help a lot ofpeople.

Gwen Spencer

200 Club in March

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Students at Barnett Elementary have been working hard this month to earn Brag Notes. When a student earns a brag note their name is added to the Principal’s 200 Club Board. Brag notes can be earned by making good choices, working hard in school, and being a good friend or helper just to name a few things. Once the board is full of student names we have a drawing for books and prizes. Here are the winners for the month of March. Thanks for making so many good choices Barnett Bulldogs!

Angela Stoddard