School Wide Barnett Reflections Winners for 2012-2013

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Barnett Elementary Reflection Winners for 2012-2013

Primary Grade Winners
Literature – McKenzie Mitchell
Visual Arts – Megan Durrant
Photography – Sydni Cowan *Advanced to Region
Dance – Roxie Simpson *Advanced to Region
3D – McKenzie Mitchell

Intermediate Grade Winners
Literature – Delaney Walker
Visual Arts – McKenna Albiston
Photography – Quin Christensen
Dance – Emily Luckau
3D – Ashton Gardner
Theatre – Elizabeth Mitchell


Don Applegate

Basketball Shoot-Off

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

The annual Nebo School District Basketball Shoot Off took place Tuesday, February 26.  Three male and three female students are chosen from grades 3-6 from a grade-level competition done by Patti Davis, the PE instructor.  The chosen six are the students who made the most baskets in one minute.  They then went on to a district-wide competition.  

Beth Knudsen

Kindy 500

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

On Wednesday, February 27th, we had tons of fun with our Kindy 500. Riding in their homemade cars, boats, airplanes and trucks, the kindergarten kids traveled around the school to learn about the White House, the Liberty Bell,  Abraham Lincoln and much more. We  appreciate all those who helped to make this activity a great success, and we look forward to our trip next year.

Kaylynn Evans

200 Club Board

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Students at Barnett Elementary have been working hard this month to earn Brag Notes. When a student earns a brag note their name is added to the Principal’s 200 Club Board. Brag notes can be earned by making good choices, working hard in school, and being a good friend or helper just to name a few things. Once the board is full of student names we have a drawing for books and prizes. Here are the winners for the month of February & March. Thanks for making so many good choices Barnett Bulldogs!

Angela Stoddard