J. Scott Savage Assembly

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Anyone can be a writer, you can be any age. To be a good writer you have to be a good reader. Keanna Vaitohi and Christian Castellon  did a Zombie rap with author, J. Scott Savage, and got zombie posters. He told the story of the characters "the 3 monsterteers." The author is a lot like the main character. He talked about how everyone is different, and amazing. We must use our differences to do great things. Never give up, turn differences in to strengths.

Robyn Curtis

Principal's 200 Club for February!

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Students at Barnett Elementary have been working hard this month to earn Brag Notes. When a student earns a brag note their name is added to the Principal’s 200 Club Board. Brag notes can be earned by making good choices, working hard in school, and being a good friend or helper just to name a few things. Once the board is full of student names we have a drawing for books and prizes. Here are the winners for the month of February. Thanks for making so many good choices Barnett Bulldogs!

Angela Stoddard

Principal's 200 Club for January

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Students at Barnett Elementary have been working hard this month to earn Brag Notes. When a student earns a brag note their name is added to the Principal’s 200 Club Board. Brag notes can be earned by making good choices, working hard in school, and being a good friend or helper just to name a few things. Once the board is full of student names we have a drawing for books and prizes. Here are the winners for the month of January. Thanks for making so many good choices Barnett Bulldogs!

Angela Stoddard

Pennies for Patients

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Friday, January 25, 2013 started the kick-off assembly for the three week long Pennies for Patients campaign occurring at Barnett.  Pennies for Patients is an organization that provides materials for kids to collect change (or more than change, i.e. dollars), to donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Association.  The videos shown at the assembly had cancer patients from very young to teenagers.  The presenter got Barnett students involved by showing how blood cancer works by overpowering the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in our blood.

Beth Knudsen