Watermelon Day in First Grade

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

On Friday, September 14, the first grade students at Barnett Elementary participated in Watermelon Day. Watermelon Day is a Fun Friday activity where the students do different activities that involve watermelons. The students really enjoyed this day and loved eating their own piece of watermelon at the end of the day.

Whitney Zylstra

Day of Caring

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Barnett was lucky to have more visitors come and serve our school for a second week in a row. Thursday, September 13 was Day of Caring and for the second year in a row United Way and Vivint Alarm Company teamed up to come and show Barnett just how much they care. Close to 130 volunteers spent the morning at our school working in classrooms, playing games with students, staining book cases that were given to teachers, and a whole lot of outdoor clean up like sweeping walks and gutters and pruning trees.

Angela Stoddard

the NED show

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

The NED show came to Barnett last Friday.  Not only were students regaled with impressive yo-yo tricks, a story about aliens, and a very enthusiastic performer--John--but students were also able to learn about how to be a champion.  John and Ned shared tips on how to be a champion: Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best.  Students learned about how important it is to keep trying and never give up because as soon as we do, we won't ever be able to become a champion.

Beth Knudsen

Day of Service at Barnett Elementary

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Friday, September 7, 2012, was a day of service from the Fishbowl Inventory company to the students and teachers at Barnett Elementary.  After arriving at school an hour before it began, most volunteers spent the first hour and a half of the school day helping out in individual classrooms to interact with the students and help the teachers with small projects.

Beth Knudsen