Books in Pairs/Libros en Pares

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Great things are happening at Barnett Elementary. Students are reading, reading, reading. They can now take home books in English accompanied with the same book in Spanish. For many parents who read only Spanish, this has been the first time that they have been able to sit and read with their child. One parent excitedly shared that he and his daughter are "reading together every night." The check out library has been organized by fifth grade students: Diana Guillen, Alejandra Sanchez, Jonathan Cordova, and Mario Cruz.

Hayley Kirkland

Scott Savage Assembly

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Upper grades at Barnett Elementary were fortunate to attend an assembly featuring the author of the popular Far World series, J. Scott Savage. He dazzled the students with magic tricks and stories and inspired them to use reading to "find the magic within."

Hayley Kirkland

4th Grade Incentive

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Good behavior is rewarded at Barnett Elementary.

Barnett fourth and fifth-graders were rewarded for good behavior with a sledding and hot chocolate party. Those students that had exemplary behavior and citizenship for the month of January enjoyed a break from their studies and had fun in the snow. Great job Fourth and Fifth Grade!

Hayley Kirkland

Judy Catlett is awarded the Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

On Monday, January 11, 2010, the Crystal Apple Award was presented to Judy Catlett of Barnett Elementary. The Crystal Apple Award is given to teachers that show devotion to students and outstanding performance in the classroom and is awarded by nomination from the school faculty. Mrs. Catlett is adored by her students and loved by the Barnett faculty. She has been teaching at Barnett for twenty-five years and has her masters in Math. Positivity is her greatest strength whether it be with students, parents, or faculty members and she always makes everyone feel important and special.