Lots of Victory Bell Ringers

Submitted by kali.brown on

Look at all of our victory bell ringers!  Each of these students set a goal and worked hard to achieve this goal!  We celebrate their hard work today by inviting them down to ring our Victory Bell!  Well done, students… You continue to amaze us with your hard work!

Barnett Elementary

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

The Cat in the Hat read a Dr. Seuss story to each grade level today. To celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday, each student received a brand new Dr. Seuss book! 

Thank you, Mrs. Brown!


Pennies by the Inch Grand Total

Submitted by kali.brown on

“Barnett Elementary contributed $664.71 [our school goal was $500]!  That is truly awesome…and so appreciated!  Thank you so much for an incredible fundraiser!  The value of every single penny in helping those children at the hospital can not be overstated!  

Thank you to the wonderful students, families and friends, the teachers, staff and any others for the part they played in keeping ‘The Child First and Always!’  Thank you!”


Barnett Elementary

Outstanding Employee Award - Mrs. Davis

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Congratulations to Mrs. Patti Davis, our wonderful school librarian, who was nominated by teachers as the outstanding employee this year.

A teacher wrote this about her:

When it comes to Barnett teachers, Patti is the gold standard. Her kindness, love, and dedication are what we are all working towards. 

Patti makes learning come alive with interesting lessons and activities. Whenever I pick up my class from the library, I'm always so excited to see all that they're learning about the world around them!