Cougar Built Assembly

Submitted by maddie.inman on

We really enjoyed our Cougar Built Assembly put on by the BYU dunk team. Cosmo the cougar pumped us up while we got to watch some really cool tricks! We ended by getting some really awesome swag! 

Michelle LeMmon, Amaya Flint

Top Keyboarders in 4th Grade

Submitted by kali.brown on

The 4th Grade students at Barnett have completed their Keyboarding Connection Class!  They all have worked very hard to learn this super important skill.  The top Keyboarders (listed below) will compete at the District Level on Wednesday, April 20, 2022.  Good luck, Barnett Leaders ... well done!  A HUGE thank you to our amazing teacher, Lorraine Tuttle, for all of her hard work ... we love you, Mrs. Tuttle!

Top 4th Grade Keyboarders:  James Draper, Cambri Salisbury, Kyri Gregory, Saloman Wolfgram, Maya Dilworth, Sabrina Holloway, Angy Gomez

Lorraine Tuttle

Barnett Leadership Day 3-31-22

Submitted by kali.brown on

For our Leadership Day this year, Barnett Elementary students performed several service projects for members of our community. They enjoyed being able to help and serve others this year. We believe that serving others is a sign of a good leader, and want to always remember to be a light and a leader in our community.

Amaya Flint (event organizer team lead), Maddie Evans (video compilation)