1st Grade goes to the BYU Bean Museum

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

First grade had a blast today on our field trip. First we went to the BYU Bean Museum. We got to walk around and see all kinds of animals! We also had an exciting presentation where we classified animals and saw some live animals! Then we spent some time at the "All Together" park in Orem. It was an exciting day!

Justyna Lloyd

Mountain View Hospital and Barnett Elementary: Leaders Supporting Leaders

Submitted by jaimie.standish on

          The students sat on the blacktop, anxiously awaiting the arrival of a helicopter at their school. Never before had a helicopter landed on the back soccer field of Barnett Elementary. They could hear the sounds of a helicopter, which only built their anticipation. When they finally saw the helicopter come around school building, many leaped out of their seats in excitement! A helicopter landing at Barnett: a memory that will stay with them their entire life!

Spelling Bee Winners

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

Barnett held their Spelling Bee on Friday for grades 3-6 and it was a great event! Two finalists from every class participated in the school contest which went for many rounds with such successful spellers. In the end we want to congratulate all our super spellers and a special congratulations to our top 3 winners.

1st place- Henry Draper, 2nd place- Makayla Cook, and 3rd place- Xavier Mitchell

Yearbook Cover Contest Winners

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

After lots of wonderful submissions for our School Yearbook Cover Contest, we were able to pick the winners and Honorable Mentions. Abigail Miramontes, 4th grade, is the winner for the upper grades and her picture will be on the front cover of our yearbook. Layla Burdick, 1st grade, is the winner for the lower grades and her picture will be shown on the back cover. Honorable Mentions went to Brooklyn Anson, Irelynn Parra, Tasha King, Seth Cheney, Maddison Luckau, Madison Halladay, Xochilt Pina, and Tatum Burdick. Thank you for sharing your artistic talents with hus!

March Bulldog Pride Assembly Celebrations

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

Students, teachers, and families came together on March 31st to celebrate all of our accomplishments in the month of March. 

March Leaders of the Month: Breezze Young, Abby DeGriselles, Ashlynn Rigby, Cataya Bean, Oakley Holdaway, Faith Palea, Chive Rodriguez, Savanna Poulson, Isabel Flores, Naihlee Simpson, Jesus Galvan, Daniel Sion, Craig Humphreys, Reagan Holdaway, Tasha King, Jocelynn Oblad, Shanae Ramirez, Kendel Mikesell, Justin Reynaud, Maria Sion, Jaden Mickelson, Kohen Wilding, Alora Neill

Term 3 Perfect Attendance Bulldogs

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

We celebrated our Term 3 Perfect Attendance Bulldogs this week! These students are helping us with our school WIG goal of being on time and at school everyday! Haley Bingham and Rebekah Hartman have had perfect attendance for all three Terms. They have been to school on time every day this school year! Congratulations to these awesome attendance leaders!