Principal's 200 Club Winners

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

Students at Barnett Elementary have been working hard even at the end of the school year to earn Brag Notes. When a student earns a brag note their name is added to the Principal’s 200 Club Board. Brag notes can be earned by making good choices, working hard in school, and being a good friend or helper just to name a few things. Once the board is full of student names we have a drawing for books and prizes. The students have filled up the Principal’s board 2 times already this month! Thanks for making so many good choices Barnett Bulldogs. Keep making good choices all summer long!

Barnett Spring Choir

Submitted by sara.stout on

Seventy Barnett Elementary students are in Choir this spring and have been working very hard to prepare for their Spring Concert, and Assembly. They will also be singing for a PTA luncheon in May as well. The Theme for their Concert is Oldies But Goodies! Many songs that were the favorite of past choirs will be performed. The concert will be held on May 17th at 7:00 pm. Their choir director Mrs. Muniz is very proud of them.

Article by Christine Muniz, Photos by Sara Stout

Barnett Elementary Used-Shoe Drive

Submitted by sara.stout on

The students of Mrs. Hanson’s 4th grade class wanted to do a service project to help students in Ghana Orphanage School raise money for basic supplies.  The students researched the information and with approval of Mrs. Stoddard proceeded to plan and organize a school-wide used shoe drive. The students planned, advertised, collected, counted shoes from each class at the school, and filled a classroom full of shoes. The students enjoyed seeing the mountain of shoes grow each day after collecting from the classes. The school collected 1,975 pounds of shoes.

Article and Photos by Kathrine Hanson

Fifth-grade Track Meet

Submitted by sara.stout on

Last Wednesday, April 25, 2012, the fifth graders at Barnett Elementary were able to compete against other fifth graders from several other schools in the district.  We were well represented with runners in every event and in the two field events--softball throw and long jump.  Fearing the same weather that sixth grade experienced only the day before, many students had sunblock and umbrellas to block the sun.  However, the day started with a slight drizzle, that soon ceased and created the perfect weather for the track meet--overcast and cool.  The students loved being a

Article and Photos by Beth Knudsen

What Barnett Elementary is Doing During Testing

Submitted by sara.stout on

Barnett Teachers will go to whatever lengths to help their students succeed. This time of year means, for all teachers and students, end of year testing! These tests are designed as a cumulative assessment for everything the student has been taught and how much has been retained. Needless to say, students and teachers can feel the pressure and in a stressful environment it is very hard to do well. Barnett teachers were asked what they have done to help their students do their best on end of the year tests.

Article and Photos by Sara Stout

Second-Grade Visits Harward Farms

Submitted by sara.stout on

Barnett Elementary's Second Grade went on a field trip to the Farm Field Days located at Harward Farms. There were many other schools represented there from various school districts in Utah County. There were about 14 stations for children to visit which had a different agricultural focus at each one. There were farmers all over Utah that were there to discuss mink farms, fruit trees, adult and baby animals, bees, and many more subjects. Sringville High School's FFA volunteered to teach at many of the booths and take our kids around to the different stations.

Article and Photos by Sara Stout

Third Grade Spelling Bee

Submitted by sara.stout on

On Thursday, March 29 the third grade held their annual spelling bee. Each class had their own spelling bees earlier in the week, but only the top three from each participated that afternoon. After some rigorous spelling and some tongue twisting words, Dreyton Whicker in Mrs. Morrise’s class won first place, followed closely behind by Karli Barclay in second, and Gideon Watkins in third. All of the participants did extremely well and studied hard. Great job to all of those who participated and congratulations to our winners!

Article and Photo by Sarah Means

Crystal Apple Award for Barnett Elementary Awarded to Lisa Leach

Submitted by sara.stout on

Lisa Leach has been a teacher at Barnett Elementary for 4 years as a sixth grade teacher and taught at Santaquin Elementary as well. Before becoming a teacher, Lisa started at Barnett as a Title I technician. She has served our school as the Science Fair Coordinator and supervises our Student Art Gallery.       

Article and Photo by Angela Stoddard