Samba Fogo at Barnett

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Barnett students and faculty were thrilled to have a performing arts group assembly yesterday. Samba Fogo out of Salt Lake City came and demonstrated Brazilian dance, drums and music. They even taught some Portuguese. Students and faculty were invited to participate in the dancing on the stage and there were lots of opportunities for the audience to move and clap and dance. Thank you Samba Fogo!

February Bulldog Pride

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Congratulations to our Bulldog Pride winners this month. Our Top Dogs and Leaders of the Month from each class were given a certificate, wristband, token, and a new book. 

Our Alpha Dogs, as nominated by the faculty, are: Mrs. Hansen (kindergarten teacher) and Ms. Lopez (Title I technician).

Our Dog Gone Great Parent as nominated by teachers is Kristyn Gunderson.

Keep up the great work, Leaders!

Bright Ideas Summer Class

Submitted by maddie.inman on

Bright Ideas is for highly motivated students, interested in learning new things. Open to all students entering kindergarten through those entering sixth grade this fall. Students will use creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, communication, and STEAM skills to learn more about the world around them.

Registration Due: June 1, 2022 - register online at: - Click "Nebo District Programs," then "Summer Bright Ideas"

Free Parent Workshop: How to Teach Your Child Social Skills at Home

Submitted by maddie.inman on

Nebo School District will be offering a Social Skills class for Parents who are interested. Being a parent or caregiver of a child who struggles with social skills can be challenging. How can parents help with social skills at home? At the school level there are counselors and psychologists who help kids with special needs learn these skills consistently. Come listen to a school psychologist in Nebo who will share ideas or parents to help their children at home! See the attached flyer for registration details. 

Congratulations to Mrs. Powell!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Congratulations to Mrs. Powell, our Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Powell works tirelessly to provide individualized education for her students. She supports teachers with interventions and supports anywhere needed. Mrs. Powell is also part of our ESSER team this year. She has been able to provide training and professional development for our faculty, all for the betterment of student success. We love you Mrs. Powell!!