Costa Vida Spirit Night

Submitted by maddie.inman on

Costa Vida Payson will be having a benefit night for our school on Tuesday November 16th from 5:00-9:00pm. 20% of sales will benefit us if you mention "Barnett Elementary" at checkout. Drop in anytime during the 5-9 window to show your support! Who doesn't need an excuse to not cook dinner?! We love Costa Vida!

Maddie Evans, Erica Prestwich

Drum Roll Please ... Spirit Day Fun Run Total

Submitted by kali.brown on

Drum roll please ...  We are SUPER excited to announce the total from our school's October Spirit Day Fun Run fundraiser!!  Thanks to your generous contributions and support, we were able to raise a whopping ... $4,135.60!!!  As per parent input, we have purchased not one, but TWO brand new Buddy Benches!  These will be installed very soon, so watch for these wonderful additions to our playground to support students.  Thank you for your amazing support on the day of our ev

New Mental Health Resource for Parents (

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

I am pleased to share that we are offering a new resource to support mental health and wellness. is free to all staff, parents and families in our district. is a service developed by licensed therapists that provides trusted and specialized courses, professional support, and a safe community to learn how to support our children and get answers to mental health questions.

October Bulldog Pride

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Congratulations to our Bulldog Pride winners this month. Our Top Dogs and Leaders of the Month from each class were given a certificate, wristband, token and book. 

Our Alpha Dogs, as nominated by the faculty are Mrs. Hancock (computer teacher) and Mrs. LeMmon (Instructional Coach). 

Our Dog Gone Great Parent as nominated by teachers is Mauri Crandall.

Our Nebo Hero Patti Davis

Submitted by kali.brown on

Patti Barnett, Librarian, Barnett, “She goes above and beyond teaching students.  She is so excited to see all students and provides fun projects with her own money.  She is so helpful and shows true kindness to everyone.”  Recognized by student Michael Maxwell-Hartman.  We LOVE you, Miss Patti!!

Nebo News November 2021

#barnettleaders #bulldogpride #barnetttogether


Kali Brown

Lost & Found

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Parents & Families:  The weather is cold so we hate to see these coats, hats and gloves go unclaimed. Please take a look and see if your child's coat is in the lost and found.  Any unclaimed items will be donated on January 14th. 

Padres y familias:  el clima es frío, por lo que odiamos ver que estos abrigos, gorros y guantes no se reclaman.  Por favor, eche un vistazo y vea si el abrigo de su hijo está en objetos perdidos. Cualquier artículo no reclamado será donado el 14 de enero.