Crystal Apple

Submitted by dayna.kirgan on

A good teacher has been defined as an individual who can understand those who are not good at explaining, and explain to those who are not very good at understanding.  Dwight D. Eisenhower

Gwen Spencer

Barnett Faculty Synergizing Fun

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

 Our teachers came together in teams to make gingerbread displays.  The rules were simple, your entry could not already be put together and you had one hour to do it all.  The creations were displayed in the school and then given away to students to take home and decorate their homes with.  It was a new tradition of working togehter, synergizing, and having fun.  ENJOY THE PICTURES!

Christmas Shoes at Barnett

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

Barnett Elementary would like to thank America First Credit Union-Payson Branch, for purchasing 100 pairs of shoes for students at Barnett. It was a great day when the recipients of the shoes all gathered together and opened their presents at the same time to discover a brand new pair of awesome shoes! Thank you again to America First Credit Union for taking care of our students!

Principals 200 Club Winners

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

Students at Barnett Elementary have been working hard this month to earn Brag Notes. When a student earns a brag note their name is added to the Principal’s 200 Club Board. Brag notes can be earned by living the 7 Habits, working hard in school, and being a good example of a leader just to name a few things. Once the board is full of student names we have a drawing for books and prizes. Here are our winners for the month of December. Thanks for making so many good choices Barnett Bulldogs!

Mrs. Spencer PEAK Award Winner

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

We want to congratulate Mrs. Spencer, a 6th grade teacher, for receiving the Nebo School District PEAK Award last night from the Nebo School Board. Mrs. Spencer is an outstanding teacher and truly shows Positive Energy and Kindness to our students, faculty, and parents. Way to go Mrs. Spencer, we are lucky to have you at Barnett!

A Win for Good Behavior!

Submitted by dayna.kirgan on

Leaders at Barnett Elementary had the opportunity to attend a BYU Women's basketball game in November. Students that exhibited great behavior were able to go to the game. On the morning of the 21st, students loaded up in buses and headed for the Marriott Center. There students were given a free pom pom to use to cheer for BYU. BYU was up against UVU- in a cross town game. BYU ened up winning the game! Barnett students laughed, cheered, and danced for a chance to be on the big screen. It was a great day awarding the leaders who worked so hard to get there. Keep working hard Bulldogs!

Melissa Fuhriman

Take a Veteran to School Day

Submitted by dayna.kirgan on

Barnett Bulldogs honored local Veterans in their Veterans Day Assembly on November 10. The Barnett Choir sang a series of songs that honored the Veterans. The whole school joined in on a song for the grand finale. After the assembly, Veterans went to classrooms as part of "Take a Veteran to School". They told stories, showed artifacts from their time in the service, and answered questions from the students.

Amy Davis

Grandparents Day Fun

Submitted by dayna.kirgan on

The third graders at Barnett Elementary shared a special day with their grandparents on November 9. The third graders dressed in their best clothes and met their grandparents for lunch. After lunch the students put on a program singing songs about their grandparents. Many students had speaking parts that spoke about memories and fun times with their grandparents. After the program Grandparents and students shared some cookies together. Great job third grade and a special shout out to Mrs. Moore, Ms. Kirgan and Mr. Cope who helped make the program a great success.