Perfect Attendance for Term 1

Submitted by dayna.kirgan on

Here are the Term 1 Perfect Attendance students. These kids had 0 absences and 0 tardies from August to October and are great contributors towards our school WIG of 90% on time attendance each day. This is an amazing accomplishment for these Barnett Bulldogs! Great job to those students! 

Angela Stoddard

Reflections Winners 2017

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

Barnett Elementary held their school wide reflections contest this month and are excited to announce the winners. The theme was “Within Reach” and our students worked hard to create visual art, literature, photography, and music pieces around this theme. The winners of each category are listed below.

2D Visual Arts Award of Merit: Zackurie Felix, Adella Felix, Brynlee Larson, Henry Draper, Ty Larson

2D Visual Arts Award of Excellence: Shailyn Garcia, Abby DeGriselles, Kaeley Garcia, Eva Perkins, Allie Kaufman

Reflections Winners 2017

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

Barnett Elementary held their school wide reflections contest this month and are excited to announce the winners. The theme was “Within Reach” and our students worked hard to create visual art, literature, photography, and music pieces around this theme. The winners of each category are listed below.

2D Visual Arts Award of Merit: Zackurie Felix, Adella Felix, Brynlee Larson, Henry Draper, Ty Larson

2D Visual Arts Award of Excellence: Shailyn Garcia, Abby DeGriselles, Kaeley Garcia, Eva Perkins, Allie Kaufman

It was a Monster Dash

Submitted by dayna.kirgan on

As if the day of Halloween cannot get more fun, here at Barnett Elementary we had our first Monster Dash. Students were dressed in their Halloween costumes as they ran or walked for a great cause. A lap around the field was approximately ¼ of a mile and students tried their hardest to get as many laps as possible. Students were running to earn money for Barnett Elementary. The school goal was to earn $5000. The class that earns the most money, their teacher gets to Sumo Wrestle Mrs. Stoddard!

Angela Stoddard

Trick or Treat- Halloween at Barnett

Submitted by dayna.kirgan on

Students at Barnett Elementary sure looked different last Tuesday. We had some ninjas, Power Rangers, characters from Dr. Seuss and even a Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz attending our school. No students quite looked like themselves and that is what makes Halloween at school so much fun! Students were able to strut their stuff in the morning during the Halloween Parade. The fun didn’t stop there! Many classes celebrated Halloween by having Halloween parties. Thank you to the room moms and class volunteers that helped throw some pretty great parties.

Angela Stoddard, Andy Brace

Bulldog Pride in October

Submitted by dayna.kirgan on

Barnett leaders attended the second Bulldog Pride Assembly of the year. The halls of Barnett were filled with parents, teachers and students as they cheered on the leaders and Top Dogs of the month during their victory lap. This is a great opportunity for students at Barnett to receive much deserved recognition of their achievements. Barnett Bulldogs also learned the winner of the pack points for Term 1. Congratulations to the Bulldogs in the Green pack! We start fresh with a new term. Let’s see if the Green pack can continue their lead. A special shout out to our Alpha dogs -Ms.

Fourth grade investigates the Wetlands

Submitted by dayna.kirgan on

The fourth graders of Barnett Elementary went to Salem Pond, early in October, to learn more about wetlands. They spent the day studying the wildlife and plants around the pond. They tested the ph of the water and measured soil temperatures. They caught many bugs and compared different arthropods, looking for body parts, eyes, legs and adaptations. The students learned the purpose of wetlands and why we need to protect them. It was a day full of fun learning experiences.

Krissy Johnson