Foundation Grant Winner, Mrs. Macinanti

Submitted by kali.brown on

Barnett Elementary – Teressa Macinanti  “Thank you so much to the Nebo Education Foundation and for the matched donation from Principal Brown.  This grant will provide my kindergarten class with a large classroom rug. I know this is going to be a game-changer for my classroom. Classroom rugs are monumental tools in the kindergarten learning environment. This rug will provide comfort, seating, safety, warmth, encourage social engagement and aid in behavior management. It will also provide my students with an organized, designated and immovable place to sit on the floor.

This is going to greatly increase my ability to help my students manage their behaviors. It will encourage participation by allowing for better eye contact between students and teachers. I know having this rug will greatly impact my teaching abilities and the ability of my students to be fully engaged. Thank you for seeing the value in this project and for investing in this powerful learning tool. I can’t wait to start using it!” exclaimed Teressa Macinanti, kindergarten teacher at Barnett Elementary.  Congratulations, Mrs. Macinanti ... we love you!

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Nebo School District