Getting the Chance to Share

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

Every five to six weeks in Mrs. Beth Knudsen's third grade class, the students get the chance to share a big writing project that they worked on for two weeks.  They go through the whole writing process--prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing--and then they are given the opportunity to share with the class and any parents who are able to attend.  On January 31, 2014, students shared their autobiographical stories.  Some students modeled their writing after examples like Jamie Lee Curtis's When I was Little: A Four-Year-Old's Memoir of Her Youth, while others took a different route and wrote about a specific memory in their life that was important to them and helped make them who they are today.  Not only did the audience get a treat of popcorn, but they got to learn more about their classmates and laugh with them as some shared hilarious anecdotes.  Thank you to those parents who were able to come to support their children!

Beth Knudsen