Teacher Spotlight: 4th Grade

Submitted by beth.knudsen on

This month we get to spotlight the fourth grade teachers at Barnett Elementary!  Here is what the fourth grade teachers have to say about each other. We are so lucky to have such great teachers at our school!

Focus on: Mrs. Lynette White
 Mrs. White is amazing! She is so helpful and truly a wealth of knowledge when it comes to curriculum. She always knows how to help a struggling student. She also has an uncanny ability to get her students to love reading!  Mrs. White is so devoted to her students, she always spends the time to prepare something meaningful and fun for them, she is an amazing science teacher with a seemingly unlimited supply of experiments up her sleeve, she is always willing to help other teachers and share her resources, she is THE fourth grade expert!

Focus on: Ms. Ellie Golliher
Ms. Golliher is always willing to lend a hand and help out.  She is very well educated and knows her stuff.  When she doesn't know something, she isn't afraid to ask for help.  She makes her class fun for the kids, and is diligent in being prepared and on top of each day.   Ms. Golliher is so uniquely herself, which I think helps her kids to know how to be themselves. When asked about what his favorite thing about his teacher was, Will Christensen responded, "She is super-duper fun!!!"  

Focus on: Ms. Jaimie Cummings
Ms. Cummings was raised in Florida and has made the theme for her classroom have to do with ships, captains, beaches, and shells, etc.  She has made it fun for her class by putting a big part of her upbringing into her classroom decor.  She cares about each one of her kids and tries hard to provide for all the needs for each one.  Ms. Cummings is a dedicated teacher and works diligently at her teaching. She loves her students with all her heart, puts in the extra effort to make things nice and well prepared, her students feel loved and cared for, teaches independence and gives lots of choices, good at teaching things besides academics such as character and social skills. 

Lynette White, Ellie Golliher, Jaimie Cummings, Beth Knudsen