November Bulldog Pride

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Congratulations to our Alpha Dogs (Mrs. Hanson - 2nd grade, Mrs. Taylor - 6th grade remote, Mrs. Humphries - Title I technician, Mrs. Pugmire - Sped technician ), Doggone Great Parent (Erika Walker), Top Dogs, Leaders of the Month, and our new award for students who "Be a Light" to their classmates. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Sumsion, and some of our student lighthouse team delivered the awards, a token, wristband, and new book for each student recognized.

Thank you all for your positive influence to our school! 


Tardy Smarties at Barnett

Submitted by kali.brown on

Congratulations to all of these awesome students ... they were are Tardy Smarties today!  When the bell rang, these friends were in their seats and ready to learn for the day.  Thank you for setting a great example for all of us ... well done, friends!


Barnett 'Brag Board' Winners!

Submitted by kali.brown on
Our brag board winners! These students were given brag notes this year for doing something noteworthy (big or small).  Once the Principal's Brag Board is full, names are randomly drawn.  1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners get a token and book.
Sarah Sumsion

Veteran's Day Parade

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Barnett students, along with students throughout all Payson school, helped celebrate our veterans by holding a parade. Students and teachers made posters, waved flags and cheered their thanks in celebration of the service and sacrifice our military gives. We salute you Veterans!

Check out our Barnett Elementary youtube channel for the Veteran's Day parade video, or watch it on the Barnett Elementary facebook page.

Sarah Sumsion