For the Strength of the Pack

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

Along with brag notes this year students can also earn points for their Bulldog Pack! Last week every student spun the Pack Picking Wheel and was put into either the Blue, Red, Yellow, or Green Pack so each pack is made up of different teachers, different staff members, and students from all different grade levels. When a student is making good choices and shining as a leader in our school they may be awarded a point for their pack. The pack with the most points at the end of the term earns a Pack Dance Party.

First Day of School Celebration

Submitted by angela.stoddard on

We had a blue carpet event at Barnett today as students were welcomed with cheers, high fives, and hand shakes from our Payson community, Barnett Faculty, and Student Lighthouse Team. Students were welcomed to their first day of school by walking down the blue carpet and being cheered by many. We want to thank the Payson Fire Departement, Police Department, and our MountainStar friends, Kevin Johnson and Sue Hone, from the hospital for coming to welcome and wish our students well on their first day of school!