Seeking First to Understand

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Ms. Sonntag’s class is learning about Habit #5 - Seek first to understand, then to be understood. They learned that it’s hard to understand when we only use our ears to hear. To really be a friend, we need to listen with our ears, our eyes, and our heart.

May's Art Gallery Wall

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

We love the art our students produce with the guidance of our art teacher, Mrs. Wilde! We selected a couple artists whose artwork was hanging to be in a picture to show off everyone's artwork! 

River - Mrs. Taylor's class

Oliver & Olivia - Mrs. Fuhriman's class

Jaxon & Sylas - Mrs. Flint's class


Resilient Utah Month

Submitted by maddie.inman on

Resilient Utah Month is here! This includes 2022 Resilient Utah Educational Shield Awards, a media campaign on KUTV channel 2, a message to [arents from Governor Cox, resources that can help children overcome life's challenges, and the 20th annual Prevention Day with the Salt Lake Bees!

Find out more info at!

April Bulldog Pride!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Congratulations to our Bulldog Pride winners this month. Our Top Dogs and Leaders of the Month from each class were given a certificate, wristband, token, and a new book. 

Our Alpha Dogs, as nominated by the faculty, are: Mrs. Veach (Lower ACC teacher) and Mrs. Weaver (Title I tech).

Our Dog Gone Great Parent as nominated by teachers is Darla Pierre.

Keep up the great work, Leaders!