Look at These Tardy Smarties!

Submitted by maddie.inman on

To encourage kids to arrive to school on time, students are selected at random to see if they are here on time. If these students are in their seat ready to learn by 9:10am, they will get a treat! These students look so excited and ready for their day! We are so proud of these proactive and responsible Barnett Bulldogs! 

Brag Board Winners

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

We are so excited to see students making such good choices that they receive a brag note. From the brag note it is delivered to the principal and read over announcements in the morning. Next, their names are put on the brag board and when the board is full, winners are randomly selected.

The top 3 winners receive a token, wristband and a book. Our top 3 winners are:

  • 1st Abby DeGriselles 
  • 2nd Kaden Neilsen
  • 3rd Jude Shaffer 


Spirit Night Success!!

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

We LOVE our Barnett Community! Thanks to all our friends and families that went to our Barnett Spirit Night at Chubbys in Payson this month.

Together we ARE better because we raised $1150 from the MOST generous donation from our friends at Chubbys. 

Please continue to support this local business, our new BFF.

#barnettleaders #bulldogpride #barnetttogether

LAST CALL for Lost and Found

Submitted by kali.brown on

Parents & Families:  The weather is cold so we hate to see these coats, hats and gloves go unclaimed. Please take a look and see if your child's coat is in the lost and found.  Any unclaimed items will be donated on January 19th. 

Padres y familias:  el clima es frío, por lo que odiamos ver que estos abrigos, gorros y guantes no se reclaman.  Por favor, eche un vistazo y vea si el abrigo de su hijo está en objetos perdidos. Cualquier artículo no reclamado será donado el 19 de enero.