November Bulldog Pride

Submitted by sarah.sumsion on

Congratulations to our Bulldog Pride winners this month. Our Top Dogs and Leaders of the Month from each class were given a certificate, wristband, token and book. 

Our Alpha Dogs, as nominated by the faculty are Mrs. Bradley (music teacher) and Mrs. Fuhriman (2nd grade teacher).

Our Dog Gone Great Parent as nominated by teachers is Teresa Pugmire.

Costa Vida Spirt Night Celebration!

Submitted by maddie.inman on

Thank you to everyone who showed up to support our school at Costa Vida Spirt Night last week! Our school earned 20% of profits which came out to a whopping $502.03! We couldn't do it without your help!! We are so excited to use this money to help our students have the best education here at Barnett!! 

Maddie Evans